

Model contribution figure of The Times, the devotee in the history of struggle —— Visit Yu Tanping, General Manager of Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., LTD




In order to carry forward the model figures of The Times, a large number of outstanding entrepreneurs, experts and scholars, big health industry and other industry leaders emerged in various industries. They strive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, commit to the creation and development of material and spiritual civilization of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, promote the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realize the Chinese Dream. It records the outstanding figures and advanced deeds of various industries active in the background of the new era, which is the full affirmation and praise for them, and is the concrete practitioner of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Special report: Yu Tanping, general manager of Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., LTD.



Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a very ordinary repair shop, neither brilliant factory, nor professor level talent, he is as ordinary as the majority of repair shops, perhaps just for survival. There are no two identical leaves in this world, and so is the repair shop. At the beginning of its establishment, Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. put forward a core service concept of "true", and changed from the original service car to the concept of service people. This change has been widely recognized by customers.







Nirvana rebirth, struggle engraved extraordinary

年代初期,进口汽车的数量快速增长,庞大的售后市场吸引了很多人加入汽车维修这个行业。在人们的印象里,修理工是满身机油、除了眼睛是白的外,其他的地方都是黑的,这也就导致了一个问题,从业者文化程度普遍不高,家庭情况普遍不富裕,。因此衍生出了很多乱象,如“技术不过硬、价格不透明、小病大修”等等,导致车主,尤其是豪车车主对路边的汽修厂不信任。车主想要高品质、放心的专业技术维修,就只能去仅有的少数 4S 店排队等候,尽管需要支付相对比较高的维修费。因此,在 20 世纪初,中国的汽修行业一直是被 4S 店垄断的天下。为了打破这个局面,有很多专修连锁维修企业诞生了,如广州华胜、郑州中鑫之宝、温州君浩等等,继而有大批原先从事技术岗的人出来开店,可谓百花齐鸣、遍地开花,历史的车轮不经意地转过了近 30 年,昔日的繁华,似乎就要落幕了,大片 4S 店倒闭,大批从业人员离场,维修行业迎来了三十年来最冷的寒冬,恒慈佳合就是在这样的市场环境下诞生的。这背后究竟是什么原因?在恒慈佳合创始人余坦平的背后又有怎样的故事。

In the early 1990s, the number of imported cars grew rapidly, and the huge aftermarket attracted a lot of people to join the car maintenance industry. In people's impression, the repairman is covered in oil, except for the eyes are white, other places are black, which also leads to a problem, the degree of education is generally not high, the family is generally not rich. Therefore, a lot of chaos, such as "technology is not strong, the price is not transparent, minor illness overhaul" and so on, resulting in owners, especially luxury car owners of the roadside garage distrust. If car owners want high-quality and assured professional technical maintenance, they can only go to the only few 4S shops waiting in line, although they need to pay relatively high maintenance costs. Therefore, at the beginning of the 20th century, China's auto repair industry has been monopolized by 4S shops. In order to break the situation, there are a lot of specialized chain maintenance enterprises was born, such as Guangzhou, Zhengzhou xin, Wenzhou jun hao, etc., and then have a large number of people engaged in technology post, is flowers, blossoming, the wheel of the history inadvertently turned nearly 30 years, the former prosperous, seems to end, large 4S shop collapse, a large number of employees leave, maintenance industry in the coldest winter for thirty years, constant goodness together is born in such a market environment. What is the reason behind this? What is the story behind the founder of Hengci Jiahe, Yu Tanping.




余坦平,生于 20 世纪 80 年代,“80”后,是一个具有鲜明时代特征的群体,他们的童年经历了改革开放,又在 21 世纪见证了社会的飞速发展。他们伴随着改革开放和中国社会体制的转型而成长,在时尚与传统、进取与保守、张扬与稳重之间巧妙地抉择,在工作、生活中既勇于尝试新鲜事物,又始终恪守着一些规矩,是富有理想主义和务实精神的一代人。当然,时代也赋予了“80”后最好的历史机遇,他们中的很多人在各自的事业中独树一帜。恒慈佳合总经理余坦平就是其中一位。

Yu Tanping, born in the 1980s, after the 1980s, is a group with distinct characteristics of The Times. They experienced the reform and opening up in their childhood, and witnessed the rapid development of society in the 21st century. They grow up with the reform and opening up and the transformation of China's social system. They skillfully choose between fashion and tradition, enterprising and conservatism, and stability. They are brave enough to try new things in work and life, and always abide by some rules. They are a generation full of idealism and pragmatic spirit. Of course, The Times have also given the post-80s the best historical opportunity, and many of them are unique in their own careers. Yu Tanping, the general manager of Hengci Jiahe, is one of them.


因为农村家里的经济条件很差,为了谋生挣钱,他 19 岁高中毕业就外出闯荡,一年半的时间里他流浪过街头、睡过公园、做过餐厅传菜员、皮鞋厂普工、室内装修学徒工等等、,最后成为了一名汽修学徒,并培养出了浓厚的兴趣。。虽然汽修的环境脏、乱、差,由于现实原因,不得已痛下决心埋头苦学,钻研各种汽修知识。别人上网,他在看理论书籍,就这样咬着牙历经数年的寒暑淬炼,从一个学徒到中工、到组长再到技术总监一步步的走着,2013 年,他和原先的领导们从温州来到陌生的城市上海创业,从举目无亲到确定企业能活下来、从零到小有名气,整个创业团队花了整整三年的时间,余坦平一直担任技术总监兼车间经理一职,如果不出意外,或许他会在这个岗位一直做下去。

Because the rural home economic condition is very poor, in order to make a living to earn money, he was 19 graduated from high school to go out, a year and a half he wandered the streets, slept in the park, do restaurant dishes, leather shoes factory sewing worker, interior decoration apprentice, etc., finally became a mechanic apprentice, and develop a strong interest. Although the environment of auto repair is dirty, messy, poor, due to practical reasons, have to decide to study hard, study all kinds of auto repair knowledge. Others on the Internet, he was reading theory books, so biting teeth after years of refinement, from an apprentice to China, to the team leader to the technical director walk step by step, in 2013, he and the original leaders from Wenzhou to Shanghai business, from unaccompanied to determine companies can survive, from zero to a small celebrity, the entrepreneurial team spent three years, yu ping has been a technical director and workshop manager, if no accident, maybe he will be doing in this job.


然而意外还是发生了,2016 年,老天送了一份大礼,他身体出毛病了,先是厌食继而乏力、后是嗜睡继而失眠,再而发热,他经常深夜会被热醒,不是发烧,是发热,俗话说,祸不单行,不久他的父亲又由于心梗在中山医院做了心脏支架手术,他说,他要特别感谢上饶市广信区人民医院的冯正炎医生和中山医院的黄浙勇医生,是他们的给了爸爸第二次生命,第二年,妈妈又由于劳累甲状腺出了问题,在当地动了手术,切除了一边的甲状腺,从那以后,妈妈的身体就大不如前了,每每想到这,内心都会内疚,在内外交困的境地下,余坦平已经无法胜任之前的工作,以无暇兼任两个职位,于是他向公司提出,不再兼车间经理这一岗位。在机缘巧合下,他接触了国学。

But the accident happened anyway, In 2016, And God gave him a great gift, He had a physical trouble, First anorexia, then fatigue, then drowsiness and insomnia, And then the fever, He is often awakened by the heat late at night, Not having a fever, It is a fever, it is said that, An evil chance seldom comes alone, Soon his father had a heart stent operation at Zhongshan Hospital for a heart attack, He said, He would like to especially thank Dr. Feng Zhengyan from Guangxin District People's Hospital of Shangrao City and Dr. Huang Zheyong from Zhongshan Hospital, They gave my father a second life, the next year, Mother had a thyroid problem because of fatigue, At a local operation, The thyroid gland was removed on one side, after that, Mother's body is not as good as before, When I think of it, You feel guilty inside, In the situation of internal and external difficulties, Yu Tanping is not qualified for his previous job, No time to hold two positions, So he proposed to the company, No longer working as a workshop manager. By chance, he came into contact with sinology.


在八九年的时间里,他涉及了中国文化宝库里的儒、道、释、法、易经、皇帝内经、历史等等,他还阅读了名人传记,有古代的,也有现代的,如王阳明、谢安、稻盛和夫、曹德旺、任正非等等。余坦平说,在这近三千个无眠的黑夜,是老子、孔子、释迦牟尼、伏羲、南怀瑾、易中天、刘君祖、明月、豆豆李雪等等,是他们的思想和学说陪伴着他,尽管很有很多人他都不认识,也是从他们身上悟出了一个“真”字。为了调养身体,他还自学了小提琴。也就是在这段时间,他负责的业务板块传统燃油车的业务在新能源车的冲击下,业务逐步下滑,以前和他配合多年的同事也陆续的离开了公司,2023 年,公司要把燃油车的业务剥离出去,甚至有高层表示,这块业务就不要了,就在这种背景下,他接手了这块业务,取名为恒慈佳合。

In the 89 years, he was involved in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, law, I Ching, Emperor Jing, history and so on in the treasure house of Chinese culture. He also read biographies of famous people, both ancient and modern, such as Wang Yangming, Xie'an, Inamori, Cao Dewang, Ren Zhengfei and so on. Yu Tanping said that in this nearly three thousand sleepless nights, it was Lao Tzu, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Fuxi, Nan Huaijin, Yi Zhongtian, Liu Junzu, Mingyue, Doudou Li Xue and so on. Their thoughts and theories accompanied him, although many people did not know him, he also realized a "true" word from them. In order to recuperate himself, he also taught himself the violin. At this time, he is responsible for the business sector of traditional fuel car business under the impact of new energy vehicles, business gradually decline, and cooperate with him for many years colleagues also left the company, in 2023, the company to fuel car business, even some top said, the business don't, in this context, he took over the business, named constant goodness jia.


他在接手这个业务的时候,业绩已经从每月高峰 200 多万掉到每月只有 20 几万。为什么他要接手这个别人都不看好的业务呢?余坦平说:“这是一种迫而不得已,一来,他和她太太有四个孩子要养,开支越来越大,之前的工资收入已经无法应付日常开支;,二是在当下有很多人是迷茫的,甚至有的已经失去重新开始的勇气,所以他想把事情做好,或许能给部分人以信心;最重要的一点,我想通过文化来驱动恒慈佳合,我想告诉别人,华夏文化并不是弱势文化。”从阶段性的结果表明,文化的力量是伟大的,他还说:他经历过物质的贫穷、感受过人情的冷暖、熬过了身体不适带来的身心的煎熬,这诸多种种的经历,塑造了以下品性,人们说:“小时候淋过雨的人长大了之后要么为别人打伞,要么向别人泼开水”很显然他是前者。

When he took over the business, his performance had dropped from a monthly peak of more than 2 million to just 200 million a month. Why did he take over a business that no one else is promising about? Yu Tanping said: " This is a forced, first, he and her wife have four children to raise, expenses, there are many people are confused, some have lost the courage to start again, so he wants to do things well, may give some people confidence; the most important point, I want to drive through culture, I want to tell others, Chinese culture is not a weak culture."From the periodic results show that the power of culture is great, he said: he has experienced material poverty, feel human changes in temperature, through the body and mind, this lot of experience, shaped the following character, people said:" when the rain grew up or play an umbrella for others, or pour water to others " obviously he is the former.





In referring to his views on the future of the repair industry, "I have been thinking, What is the nature of the automobile repair industry? Whether it is the technology industry or the service industry, Later on, I found out, The auto repair industry is both a technology industry and a service industry, First, the car is a technology product, Technology is constantly moving forward, Is the continuous progress, For the maintenance technicians, He has to keep learning and keep improving, I call this' in, But for the service staff who serve the people, He needs to return to human nature, For human nature has not changed because of the changing times, I call this' retreat, Everything has both Yin and Yang, I take this back, As the Yin and Yang in the auto maintenance industry."


When it comes to the role of the enterprise to society, he said: " the enterprise pursuit of profit is beyond doubt, but his influence on education, people will think that education is the responsibility of the school and family, in fact enterprises in this piece has a pivotal role, a good corporate culture and his national culture photograph echo, otherwise will be a conflict of school education and family education, if an enterprise only pursue the maximization of the interests of public order and disregard, that is to the national crime, the crime of the nation.




Against the current, adhere to the quality of service

“我们发现,彼时的中国市场对于燃油汽车维修的需求量依然很大,但有些突出的乱象,可以把他概括为“三不真”一是价格不真:挂羊头卖狗肉,以次充好;二是维修方案不真:A 配件损坏,让你换 ABCD; 三是说法不真:明明损坏程度可以下次维修,偏偏会夸大其词吓唬客人。恒慈佳合要做的,便是要告诉人们,汽车维修行业除了坑蒙拐骗,还有真善美;除了满手污泥,还有洁身自好;除了胸无墨水,也还可以满腹经纶。

在谈到对员工的福利这块,他介绍到,他从人性的角度出发设计了员工的福利,涵盖了婚姻、生育、父母养老以及生老病死假期等等方面。“我们会对员工进行‘包蒙’教育,将为人处世的理念教授给他们,让他们有个概念。如果员工不小心违反了制度规定,就采取一些非常规的方式让他认识到错误,不罚钱。在工资收入上,我认为要给予员工丰厚的报酬,如果在外面租房子的员工,那我就补贴 300 元;刚刚结婚的,补贴 200 元;有小孩的补贴 100 元;父母亲是农村户口且满 60 周岁的,补贴 100 元……补贴都是按月发放,为的是给员工提供一种有爱的氛围。”


"We found that the Chinese market at that time for the demand for fuel car maintenance is still very large, but some prominent chaos, it can be summarized as" three not true " one is the price is not true: hang sheep's head to sell dog meat, shoddy; second, the maintenance plan is not true: A parts damaged, let you change ABCD; the third is not true: clearly the damage can be next maintenance, but exaggerated to frighten the guests. What Hengcijiahe wants to do is to tell people that the auto repair industry has true, good and beautiful, clean and clean, and can be full of knowledge. When it comes to the welfare of employees, he introduced that he designed the welfare of employees from the perspective of human nature, covering marriage, childbirth, parents' pension, birth, death and death."We will teach our employees, teach them the idea of life, and let them have a concept. If the employee accidentally violates the rules, take some unconventional ways to make him realize the mistake and not the money. In salary income, I think to give employees rich remuneration, then I subsidize $300; just married, $200; children with $100; parents with rural hukou, $100... the subsidy is monthly, in order to provide a loving atmosphere for employees.”

Yu Tanping said.



Today, the mechanics industry to help the pursuit of efficient service and extreme cost-effective concept, seemingly to the traditional garage with efficiency, profit as the goal, but yu tanping is convinced that in the era of rapid development today, from the product as the center to the user as the center, is the consensus of the market industry. In addition, who can grasp the cash flow, who can stand out from the industry. To this end, Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a pioneer, first self-revolution, empathy, urgent customers, according to customer needs at the same time, through the business to grasp the abundant cash flow, so as to explore more growth of auto repair, deepen the efficient integration and operation of industrial resources and business.



Based on the text, to create a harmonious environment


Yu Tanping believes that Sinology is a profound and profound knowledge of handling life and accumulating wealth. Enterprises from the shell to thrive, can not be separated from the role of sinology, in this process, sinology can not only evolve into the governance of the enterprise, but also can guide the management of the model, Hengci Jiahe hence the name. Constant means constant, is to keep the original mind, is the first kindness, the first kindness, because kindness is the first of the world, but when, because the wisdom of kindness, heaven will be saved, is the good thing together. Our interpretation of the name is that " we take Hengci as the core, guide our consciousness and behavior, and then produce the state and result of Jiahe, which is called Hengci Jiahe.”


在他的内心还有个愿景:愿天下所有的情感都能从始而终、愿天下所有的孩童都能得到陪伴、愿天下所有的老人都能得到赡养。为此,余坦平构筑起由恒慈佳合、恒慈静尘、恒慈陪伴三位一体架构,由恒慈有孚统一管理,让心情浮躁的人可以在那里得到宁静,为 10 岁以下慢性疾病儿童提供中西医治疗和国学教育,让他们一边治疗、一边长大,一边读书。“这不是爱,这是慈。爱是需要汇报的,但是慈是不需要回报的。在慈之前加上一个‘恒’字,‘保持初心,慎终如始,此之为恒’,这样就能表明我的决心。”

In his heart there is a vision: may all the emotions in the world be from the beginning to the end, may all the children in the world be accompanied, may all the old people in the world be supported. To this end, Yu Tanping built a trinity structure of harmony, static dust and companionship, and unified management by Hengci Youfu, so that impetuous people can get peace there, providing traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment and Chinese education for children with chronic diseases under 10 years old, making them grow up while reading."This is not love, it is kindness. Love needs to be reported, but kindness is not rewarded. Before kindness, add a word 'constant', 'keep the original mind, careful as the beginning, this is constant', so as to show my determination.”


自恒慈佳合汽车销售服务(上海)有限公司成立之初,余坦平就定下了八条企业文化:以“真”为核心;对于专业 : 专业不是一种结果,他是一种持续的过程,在当下能提供最好的;对于客人 : 每位来的客人都重要,都很友善,我们要让自己更好,更好的服务他们,他们选择我们,不是因为我们有多么的好,是给了我们一次机会,能够更好的认识自己;对于同事 : 今天我帮助他,他哪天也会帮助我,不要給对方制造不必要的困难,他少遇到一个困难,他就少一份忧愁;对于自己 : 安全第一,每天做到进步一点点,今天拿到手的工资是工资方案决定的,但以后的收入与发取决我们自己的价值;对公司 : 公司是由个人组成的,每个都积极,正向,那么这家公司展现出来的就是积极,正向的,每个人都努力,那么这家公司就会朝气蓬勃,公司有丰厚的利润,每个人就都能得到丰厚的报酬;对于国家 : 不给社会添乱,努力工作,就是对国家做贡献,要照顾好自己、要照顾好身边的人,如果那时你还有多余的能量,再去帮助更多的人;对于困难 : 困难是不怕的,当我们克服了困难时,我们可以收获很多,一个是快乐,一个是自信 , 一个是方法,一个是胸怀。“当然是有第九条的,那便是对于世界,这一条就让后面来的人给补上吧”余坦平说。

Since the establishment of Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Yu Tanping set eight corporate culture: "true" as the core; For major: major is not a result, He is an ongoing process, To provide the best in the present day; For the guests: every guest coming is important, Are all very friendly, We need to make ourselves better, Serve them even better, They choose us, Not because of how good we are, Is giving us a chance, Be able to better know themselves; For colleagues: I helped him today, He will help me one day, Do not create unnecessary difficulties for each other, He was met with a little difficulty, He is a little less sad; For yourself: safety first, Make a little progress every day, The salary I received today is determined by the salary plan, But the future income and distribution depends on our own value; To companies: the company is made up of individuals, Each one is positive, forward direction, So what the company shows is a positive, positive-going, Everyone worked hard, Then the company will be vibrant, The company has fat profits, Everyone gets paid well; For the country: not to society, wire in, Is to contribute to the country, Take care of yourself, take care of the people around you, If you still have the extra energy back then, To help more people again; For difficulties: difficulties are not afraid of, When we have overcome the difficulties, We can gain a lot, One is happiness, One is confidence, One is the method, One is the mind."Of course, there is a ninth rule, that is for the world, let the people behind to make up," Yu Tanping said.




Today, the story of Yu Tanping and Hengcijiahe Automobile Sales and Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is still continuing, and we firmly believe that in the future development path, Yu Tanping will produce more wonderful sparks with automobile maintenance and even more fields.