12月18日,福斯润滑油亚太技术中心落成仪式在福斯中国总部(上海)隆重举行。福斯中国区3家公司所在地:上海、营口、吴江三地政府代表、福斯中国供应商代表、福斯中国管理层及业界媒体170多人共同出席,见证了福斯这一里程碑时刻。On December 18th, 2020, FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center is inaugurated at FUCHS China Headquarters in Shanghai. More than 170 people, including government representatives from Shanghai, Yingkou and Wujiang, where three companies of FUCHS China operate; representatives from FUCHS China suppliers; FUCHS China’s management team and industry journalists attend the inauguration ceremony and witness this historic moment in FUCHS’ development.仪式伊始,福斯中国首席执行官朱庆平先生致词,福斯亚太技术中心的落成不仅代表福斯中国为更好地服务本土客户持续投资研发、创新的信心,也充分体现了福斯集团打造全球三大技术战略中心(欧洲、美洲和亚洲)的决心。福斯亚太技术中心的落成凝聚了福斯中国全体员工的努力与奉献,也十分感谢政府领导给予的多方支持,同时也感谢供应商伙伴们长久以来的合作与理解。The inauguration ceremony is chaired by Mr. Zhu Qingping, CEO of FUCHS China. In his opening remarks, he states that the opening of FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center not only demonstrates FUCHS China’s confidence to continue to invest in R&D and innovation to better serve its local customers, but also reflects FUCHS Group’s determination to build three major strategic technology hubs in Europe, America and Asia respectively. The completion of FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center is attributable to all devoted and hard-working FUCHS China employees. Mr. Zhu also expresses his thanks to government leaders for their support in multiple aspects, and to supplier partners for their long-standing cooperation with and understanding of FUCHS China.剪彩仪式由福斯中国首席执行官朱庆平先生、福斯中国首席技术官Kris Van Gasse、 福斯中国首席财务官Bernd Siegel及上海市嘉定区、苏州市吴江区、营口市沿海产业基地三位政府代表合力启动。Mr. Zhu Qingping, CEO of FUCHS China; Mr. Kris Van Gasse, CTO of FUCHS China; Mr. Bernd Siegel, CFO of FUCHS China and government representatives from Shanghai Jiading District, Suzhou Wujiang District and Yingkou Coastal Industry Base cut the ribbon in the inauguration ceremony to mark the formal launch of FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center.福斯中国首席技术官Kris Van Gasse表示:福斯亚太技术中心不仅配备先进的研发设施,我们更关注研发人才团队的培养。福斯集团对中国以及亚洲的经济信心十足,我们希望通过对亚太技术中心的投资实现福斯在中国及亚太区域以客户为中心的发展策略,进一步提升研发与创新能力,为区域客户合作伙伴的长足发展提供强有力的支持。Mr. Kris Van Gasse, CTO of FUCHS China remarks: “FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center is more than just an advanced R&D facility, it is also the cradle for the R&D talent team that we pay special attention to. FUCHS Group is confident in the economic future of China and Asia. We hope to underpin FUCHS’ customer-centered strategy in China and the Asia Pacific region with our investment in FUCHS Asia Pacific Technology Center. As we continue to strengthen our R&D and innovation abilities, we’re confident to provide strong and effective support to power our regional customers and partners forward.”福斯中国深耕中国市场30余载,我们将持续聚焦客户及市场需求,开发定制化润滑解决方案,助力合作伙伴创造价值,实现双方协同发展。30 years on, FUCHS China has laid down a solid foundation in China. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on the needs of customers and markets, and develop tailor-made